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Every region has its own speciality... especially when it comes to potatoes.  From the tradition of Swiss cuisine we have adopted a delicious potato dish, the famous Rösti!  Rösti is a golden slice with a crispy crust made from grated potatoes, but there are two main directions: one requires the potatoes to be grated when raw, the other when cooked. We opted for pre-cooking to make it easier to prepare and to get a softer texture inside. Rösti can also be enhanced with many other ingredients such as bacon, onions or cheese, but in the Dr. Willi Knoll Rösti pack you will only find potatoes because.... it's already so delicious! We leave it up to you to experience the Rösti in its more traditional or innovative variations.



Before opening the aluminium bag, loosen the contents slightly by pressing carefully. Put the contents of the pack - without adding any fat - into a coated pan and spread evenly. Fry briefly (approx. 3-5 minutes over medium heat), stirring occasionally. Press the potatoes firmly from the edge of the pan to the centre and fry for approx. 5 minutes until a golden crust has formed on the edge, then turn over. To turn, place a flat lid or plate on the pan, press firmly and turn over. Let the turned Rösti return from the lid or plate to the pan and fry the second side also for about 5 minutes until golden brown.

100g contain
per 100g prepared
% (100g)*

403kJ / 96 kcal

806 kJ / 192 kcal

5 %


3,0 g

6,0 g

5 %

of which saturated fatty acids

0,3 g

0,6 g

4 %


14,5 g

29,0 g

2 %

of which sugar

0,3 g

0,6 g

5 %

Dietary fibre

2,1 g

4,2 g

<1 %


1,6 g

3,2 g

3 %


1,2 g

2,4 g

19 %

Reference amount for an average adult (8400 kJ/2000 kcal)



Qualität von unseren Liferanten

Ganz gleich, welches Dr. Willi Knoll-Produkt Sie probieren: Was Sie auf Ihren Geschmacksknospen spüren werden, ist unsere grenzenlose Leidenschaft für die Königin der Küche: die Kartoffel. Denn beste Qualität bedeutet für uns nicht nur, allen Anforderungen der Qualitätsproduktion gerecht zu werden, sondern auch den guten Geschmack und die hohen Ansprüche unserer Kunden zu befriedigen. Deshalb legen wir seit mehr als 80 Jahren großen Wert auf die überwiegende Verwendung von Kartoffeln aus 100 % nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft. Mit anderen Worten: Wir setzen nur das Beste auf die Zutatenliste, denn wir sind, was wir essen.

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